Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hi There!

Hello one and all! This will be my second attempt at starting a blog. The first died basically because I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. I still don't, but decided I'd give it another try anyway! Primarily, this will feature my continued expansion of my beloved Ultramarines army, but will probably also have the random post about some of my other interests.

I currently have about 15,000 points of painted Ultramarines. The first company I finished was the 4th, the Defenders of Ultramar. I settled on them after reading Graham McNeill's first three Ultramarines novels. That's also where the name of this blog comes from. After finishing the 4th, I decided to start on another company. So began the 6th Company. Before I realized it, I had finished it and was started on the 3rd Company. Currently, I've got three companies complete ( The 3rd, 4th, and 6th Companies.), and another two (The 1st and 8th) underway. The only thing lacking from having a complete 1st Company is a Captain and command squad. I'll be making the command squad in terminator armor. While it won't be game legal, I want to do it simply for aesthetics. I'm only about 1/5th of the way along on the 8th so far. I've got a Captain, Chaplain, two bike squads, and one landspeeder squad finished, and the bits for assault squads.

So that's it for now. Jacque (my ex- but hopefully not for long!) and I are headed to Panama City next week. I'll try to post some pictures of the beach when we get back. For now, I'll leave you with a somewhat outdated picture of my Ultramarines.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's a lot of stuff you got there. I thought I had a lot but mine looks like a squad compared to your, well, army. Would like to see some close ups of them. Any chance of you putting some more posts up, would like to see your blog living rather than dying.

